Showcase 2024

Magdalen Road Studios, Oxford OX4 1RE

Saturday 2 March – Sunday 10 March 2024

Displaying the work of members of Textiles in Oxford, this collective exhibition showcases an artistic response to
Influences and Spooling Around through the medium of textiles.

Spooling Around

Members were invited to submit a 6 x 6-inch canvas and given the brief to think “circles and spirals”. This is a fun project designed to encourage even our most reserved members to participate. Expect a wide interpretation of the subject using a broad range of techniques.


The theme for the main exhibition is ‘Influences’ – members were asked to think about a person who influenced them, an event that has particularly influenced something in their life, a painting, a style, a technique (not just an embroidery technique!), a country. They may have been influenced by a grandmother who taught them to sew; a visit to Paris to look at the fashions; the architecture of a cathedral; the seasons of the year, colour, rivers and seas, a painting that they love, politics(!), a book they’ve read …. the list is endless.
Unconstrained by canvas size or media, members were free to explore their everyday influences.


A display of pieces produced during or as a result of any of the Textiles in Oxford workshops they have attended.


Pieces begun may be unfinished for any number of reasons. This anonymous display is of work that did not necessarily go as we intended and ended up in the UFO pile.