Monthly Meetings 2022

12 January, 2022
Zoom only

Ruth Singer

Criminal Quilts

Ruth’s archives and textiles project Criminal Quilts is based around the photographs and stories of women held in Stafford Prison 1877-1916. Ruth will talk about the background to the project as well as the history of the photographs themselves, share some case studies then show the textiles created in detail.

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A selection of the 2014 collection using space dyed fabric

9 February, 2022
Zoom only

Joanna O’Neill

20 Years and Counting

Twenty years-worth of art quilts and embroideries and the stories behind them.

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Peckham and Proud by Harriet Riddell

9 March, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Harriet Riddell

Sewing Machine Travels from Around the World

Harriet travels around the world with a sewing machine. Join us on a colourful journey, from cycling across India to pedal-powered sewing machines.

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Spring on my Windowsill, Acrylic paint, collage and stitch on paper

13 April, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Gina Ferrari

Imagine All The People

Gina Ferrari is a mixed media artist and tutor living and working in rural Cambridgeshire.

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Textile fragment with bandhani, or tie die, imitation and rosettes, 2nd half of the 10th - 15th century AD

11 May, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Francesca Leoni

Stitches and Stories from the Aegean Sea:
Greek Island Embroideries from the Ashmolean Museum

This lecture will provide an introduction to
the Ashmolean Museum’s collection of modern Greek island embroideries
and the circumstances surrounding their arrival in Oxford.

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Beach Huts, Hand dyed, hand spun, hand woven wool and silk carpet

8 June, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

John Allen – Postponed

Due to unforeseen circumstances, John Allen, is unable to join us this month. Don’t worry, John has promised to reschedule his talk for sometime next year. So who will our speaker be this month? Join us to find out!

13 July, 2022
Iffley Village Hall

Summer Social

We are delighted to be able to hold our annual summer social this year. This is an in-person event so you will not be able to join via Zoom.

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10 August, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom


Trying out Jennifer Collier’s Paper Glove Technique

Further details to follow

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Textile fragment with bandhani, or tie die, imitation and rosettes, 2nd half of the 10th - 15th century AD

14 September, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Trevor Rowley

The Bayeux Tapestry – Landscape and History

An Archaeological Study of the Bayeux Tapestry provides a unique re-examination of this famous piece of work through the historical geography and archaeology of the tapestry.

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Beach Huts, Hand dyed, hand spun, hand woven wool and silk carpet

12 October, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Tanya Bentham

Opus Anglicanum

Tanya Bentham is an expert in the style of hand embroidery known as ‘Opus Anglicanum’. It is a style of embroidery that was prevalent in the 13th & 14th centuries in England. Very specific stitches are used in a specific way with specific materials and style.

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Staffordshire Bluebrick (2D work)

9 November, 2022
Iffley Village Hall and Zoom

Judith Rowley

My Creative Journey

… from Inspiration to Exhibition. Hear Judith’s story of how she has developed and created her textile art practice. See examples of her journey journals and latest exhibition pieces.

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The Pale Rook

14 December, 2022
Zoom only

Johanna Flanagan

The Pale Rook

“You see, making dolls and creatures and puppets and figures has always been a part of my life, always, since as early as I can remember, but until last year, I had never taken them seriously.”

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